
System.diagnostics.process.waitforexit example


system.diagnostics.process.waitforexit example

The process Handle is not valid. You are trying to access the ExitCode property for a process that is running on a remote computer. This property is available only for processes that are running on the local computer. Use ExitCode to get the status that the system process returned when it exited. You can use the exit code much like an integer return value from a main procedure. The ExitCode value for a process reflects the specific convention implemented by the application developer for that process. If you use the exit code value to make decisions in your code, be sure example you know the exit code convention used by the application process. Developers example indicate a successful exit by an ExitCode value of zero, and designate errors by nonzero values that the calling method can use to identify the cause of an abnormal process termination. It is not necessary to follow these guidelines, but they are the convention. If you try to get the ExitCode before the process has exited, the attempt example an exception. Examine the HasExited property first to verify whether the associated process has terminated. When standard output has been redirected to asynchronous event handlers, it is possible that output processing will not have completed when HasExited returns true. To ensure that asynchronous event handling has been completed, call the WaitForExit overload system.diagnostics.process.waitforexit takes example parameter before checking HasExited. You can use the CloseMainWindow or the Kill method to cause an associated process to exit. There example two ways of being notified when the associated process exits: Synchronous notification relies on calling the WaitForExit system.diagnostics.process.waitforexit to pause the processing of system.diagnostics.process.waitforexit application until the associated component exits. Asynchronous notification relies on the Exited event. System.diagnostics.process.waitforexit using asynchronous notification, EnableRaisingEvents must be set to true for the Process component to receive notification that the process has exited. The following example starts an instance of Notepad. The example then retrieves and displays various properties of the associated process. The example detects when the process exits, and displays the process's exit code. HasExited CloseMainWindow Kill WaitForExit EnableRaisingEvents Process Class System. Downloads Visual Studio SDKs Trial software Free downloads Office resources SharePoint Server resources SQL Server Express resources Windows Server resources Programs Subscriptions Overview Administrators Students Microsoft Imagine Microsoft Student Partners ISV Startups Events Community Magazine Forums Blogs Channel example Documentation APIs and reference Dev centers Samples Retired content. The content you requested has been removed. Diagnostics Process Class Process Properties. Process Properties ExitCode Property. Collapse the table of content. This documentation is archived and is not being maintained. NET Framework system.diagnostics.process.waitforexit version. Gets the value that the associated process specified when it terminated. Int32 The code that the associated process specified when it terminated. Exception Condition InvalidOperationException The process has not exited. Note When standard output has been redirected to asynchronous event handlers, it is possible that output processing will not have completed when HasExited example true. WriteLine "" ; Console. WriteLine " physical memory usage: WriteLine " base priority: WriteLine " priority class: WriteLine " user processor time: WriteLine " privileged processor time: WriteLine " total processor time: WaitForExit ; Console. WriteLine "Process exit code: WriteLine "Peak physical memory usage of the process: WriteLine "Peak paged memory system.diagnostics.process.waitforexit of the process: WriteLine system.diagnostics.process.waitforexit virtual memory usage of the process: LinkDemand for full trust for the immediate caller. This member cannot be used by partially trusted code. NET Framework Available since 1. Is this page helpful? We appreciate your feedback. Dev centers Windows Office Visual Studio Microsoft Azure More Learning resources Microsoft Virtual Academy Channel 9 MSDN Magazine. Community Forums Blogs Codeplex. Programs BizSpark for startups Microsoft Imagine for students. The process has not exited. system.diagnostics.process.waitforexit example

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