
Forex banned in us


forex banned in us

There's always to circumvent this Dodd-Frank bozo move. Any "little guy" can legally establish dual citizenship of another NON-US country. Canada, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas, just to name a few What a joke its getting harder to make money by trading in the united states It not advantageous to trade anything in United States forex, bonds, metals, equities,nothing. I feel so sorry I banned do not trade a single active in USA or with the new socialist comunist state. While I cannot speak for anyone else I can say all 32 comments I have read really put a knot in my boxers! And I just wanted to find a way to earn a modest living for myself since noone will hire 64 year old Vietnam veterans. Turning from Constitutional Republic to a Democracy is what ruined the country because democracy represents the chaotic conditions of the mob-rule. People don't want freedom, they just want freedom to suppress others, conservatives want to socially suppress others, liberals want to economically suppress others, very few actually even know the meaning of freedom so no wonder tyranny is all we get. The USD is not backed by Gold. Nixon dropped the gold standard in the seventies. The US dollar IS backed by GOLD!!! Why does the US gov still keep so much gold at Ft Knox? Why is so much money spent on security and legislation to protect it? Comment on Oct 1. We must get this stopped! My standard of living will be greatly affected, as will every trader banned potential trader. Being 77 I do not have the option of getting a part time job. After several bankruptcies of things I had invested in, when the mortgage on our big beautiful home, that we worked a lifetime for, adjusts in three years, we will loose it. Forex was really beginning to work for us. It is sad to say I had no idea of what we are facing and I have not been living under a rock. WE need to get the news out fast and wide. The little guy, us, is being damaged and WE must fight back. I for one will hunt out every blog and comment page and post to alert the public starting now. Work up a notice and paste it wherever you can. Put it on every blog and site you can. Contact every member of congress, repeatedly. Start email chains, Facebook, where ever you are or wherever you can get to. What has happened to the US. Every warning our founders made has been ignored. The the welfare state is here, capitalism is fading, complete control of business is rapidly approaching thought that was called fascism. In my younger years, I could never understand how the democracies of the past Rome, Greece etc could fail. I guess next will be the circuses to placate the masses and of course the Christians and Jews will be thrown to the lions. I literally cry for what I see for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We can do this. Weird, I live in europe where I would expect a stupid measure like thisI am suprised this comes from the country that is was the symbol of freedom. I have the impression that today's politicians lack a basic understanding of how the economy works. The real problem is they are piling up debt and the interest on that is tagged on every product we produce whether europe or the USA. And they are trying to remedy that with measures that are counter productive, making the already bad situation worse. All I hear from the liberals and the media is about the Evil traders driving the prices of commodities up. If the socialist in Washington could get away with it, they would ban trading, soon enough, they'll also ban buying and selling anything to make a profit, all the while blaming the evil traders, and investors. The next step will be to ban Ownership of Gold, silver, and a savings account. Our" parents " in Washington will stop at nothing less than total redistribution of wealth. I think its batter for trader in the US get more protection from government to keep their money loosing by gold trading on margin. Americans might be greedy forex ignorant however, in a free market society that the US was meant to be, Americans should be free to act on their greed, ignorance or smart, and rip the consequences for better or worse. The financial markets are part of what was supposed to be, our free market system. It should not be a close circle only available to a small ruling class that is above the rest of us. It should be open to every Tom, Dick and Harry to speculate in and loose their shirts or prosper. Self responsibility is what made our country prosper. It has not changed banned never will. How did your Congressman and Senators vote? How about contacting your representatives that you keep voting for term after term and see what their reaction is? How about not voting for the same corrupt sly incumbent next year in November? Apparently this bill has banned! Also, as a result of this bill the CFTC set an arbitrary cap of 1: Trading is my business and I am qualified and responsible for my own actions and decisions. This act is a totalitarian move that has no place in a constitutional USA. Please take action to have this bill repealed and restore my freedom as a US citizen to conduct business according to my own judgement. The more things change, the more they stay the same! And yet again, the small guy pays the price for the big guys' mistakes. Meanwhile the big guy continues to live a rich, and carefree lifestyle, whilst us mere mortals get to watch. I live in Australia, and it's truly a great country. But I have always looked to the US as the world's greatest example of free enterprise, and what other nations ought to aspire forex. The US might have its economic woes right now, along with Japan and most of Europe, but the reaction to, and targetting of, retail forex and precious metals traders is an absolute insult given that this group is far removed from those actually responsible. More worrying is that this action flies in the face of free enterprise, and freedom generally. State regulated and supplied citizen uniforms? Lucky you still have the right to vote! As a citizen of the U. Forex find it interesting that trading is being restricted on both currencies and gold and silver. Forex a pity that the government is too top heavy with certain regulations. I'm just looking into currency trading and finding it frustrating trying to find a decent regulated broker. While the still communist China and Russia is slowly loosening their stiffening control grip on their citizens, the government of the great US of A seems to be slowly reverting back to the draconian "Parents know best" mindset. If you want to trade on margin in the gold and silver market, open a futures acct and trade the minis banned leverage. Next stop gold by fall Banning trading of gold and silver is the stupidist forex i have ever heard. US is no longer free If Gold and silver trading using margins is banned to protect traders, why has forex trading not been banned. Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday voted to delay by one year implementation of a rule blocking brokers from trading in foreign currencies for retail clients Maybe we should reduce congressman's paycheck. Maybe that would help the debt situation. We should be able to trade in other countries because of the internet. The big get bigger and they keep the small guy smaller. This will make gold and silver priceless and the American Dollar worthless. The same "Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform" also contains complete ban on retail Forex trading for US forex, which was supposed to take effect tomorrow, but it was postponed for 1 year now But in response to concerns from brokerage houses that the rule would banned international stock forex, the SEC delayed its effective date until July 16,which will provide time for a review". Hi guys I am from Australia and that ban is a joke seriously the land of the free and capitalism Looks like a shorting opportunity may come up. The trick for a non U. S based person is how to profit from U. Perhaps developing some sort of trader shadow system that will allow U. I have another query. We are so fortunate to live in the US What would we ever do without them and their great socialist ideas buried into the Farm Bill which limit our right to have the "FREEDOM" to be independent thinkers and forex or invest our own hard earned money the way we want??? Are they going to tell us that we can't buy a condo in Madrid, or a time share in Mexcio?? Other countries keep sounding better and better I guest that is why some of the big companies have left the u. Good thing I don't live in the US. Seriously, if I did, I would be getting set to move somewhere like Europe or Australia and visit family only banned holidays, soon it will no longer be forex to trade at all in that country if things keep going that way This is another way to limit banned US citizen from freedom of choice thankfully I am also a citizen of another country and can use that doorway Again, banned American population is going to be restricted in its freedom to trade. Who is financially benefiting from all of this? On top of that, on July forex, foreign banks who previously kept accepting US clients will discontinue services for US clients as well. Another door is banned for US traders. You will still be able to trade precious metals, but only on a 1: Welcome to experience the Broker Search banned a whole new level! As the deadline approaches, all affected U. The is Truth, Justice and really, the American Way Reply to Trader comment from September 25, This kind of thinking that you project is exactly what brought this bill upon us. Michele Bachmann has introduced a bill to repeal the Dodd-Frank bill: For example, email this to your US Senators and Congressman: You will be amazed even more, after I tell you this: One question remains WHY do that? OANDA so far said they will keep precious metals, but without any leverage. What code is in the image? US Forex brokers UK Forex brokers Australian brokers Canadian brokers New Zealand brokers Swiss brokers Middle East brokers Asian Forex brokers Indian Forex brokers. Forex regulation NFA regulated brokers FCA UK FSA UK brokers ASIC regulated brokers. How to choose a Forex broker? How to become a Forex broker? 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